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Piskopani, Anna Maria; Kallas, Ioannis, 2022, ""Infodemic". Regulating initiatives to restrict disinformation about the pandemic and its implications to freedom of speech.",, Κατάλογος Δεδομένων SoDaNet
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1) CodeofPracticeonDisinformation.pdf (EU Code of Practice on Disinformation. ) : Open Access.
2) Communication_nPq9p89LZt7jJVseCUC4Ur9z9g_76495-1 (3).pdf (European Commission Guidance on Strengthening the Code of Practice on Disinformation) : Open Access.
3) Coronavirus-Article 19.pdf (Policy Brief. Viral lies, misinformation and coronavirus. Article 19.) : Open Access.
4) Draft_Online_Safety_Bill_-_Impact_Assessment_Web_Accessible.pdf (Impact Assessment Draft Online Safety Bill. United Kingdom) : Access upon Login.
5) Draft_Online_Safety_Bill_UK.pdf (Draft Online Safety Bill United Kingdom) : Access upon Login.
6) FacebookCOVID-19report-December2020 (2).pdf (Facebook response to the European Commission Communication on Covid-19 Disinformation. Dec.2020) : Access upon Login.
7) facebook_covid-19_report_-_november_2020_DE03B287-D5D8-FD80-0F524DE701B28EB1_71899.pdf (Facebook response to the European Commission Communication on Covid-19 Disinformation Nov.2020) : Access upon Login.
8) facebook_covid-19_report_-_october_2020_1EDDB4D0-F489-CCA8-13B4902500200C3F_70632 (1).pdf (Facebook response to the European Commission Communication on Covid-19 Disinformation Oct.2020) : Access upon Login.
9) facebook_covid-19_report_-_september_2020_EACBA386-94D9-F2E3-87A7E76C6800439C_69682 (1).pdf (Facebook response to the European Commission Communication on Covid-19 Disinformation Sep.2020) : Access upon Login.
10) IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT ON DIGITAL SERVICES ACT part2.pdf (Impact Assessment on Proposal for Regulation Digital Services Act. Part 2.) : Open Access.
11) Impact Assessment Report Part 1.pdf (Impact Assessment on Proposal Regulation Digital Services Act. Part 1.) : Open Access.
12) JOINT COMMUNICATION_EN_TXT.pdf (Tackling COVID-19 disinformation - Getting the facts right Joint Communication. EE) : Open Access.
13) Legal-opinion-Hungary_2020.pdf (Hungary's two pandemics report regarding Covid 19 and attacks on media freedom was commissioned by European Centre for Press and Media Freedom) : Access upon Login.
14) OPEN PUBLIC CONSULTATION ON THE DIGITAL SERVICES ACT PACKAGE.pdf (Summary Report on the open public consultation on the Digital Services Act Package) : Open Access.
15) PROPOSAL FOR A DIGITAL SERVICES ACT EE.pdf (Proposal for a Regulation "Digital Services Act" European Parliament and Counsil) : Access upon Login.
16) TikTokCOVID-19report-December2020 (1).pdf : Access upon Login.
17) tiktok_covid-19_report_-_november_2020_DE030AD4-ACD5-871C-816DA7AFD8F1C59E_71896.pdf (Tik tok response to the European Commission Communication on Covid-19 Disinformation Nov.2020) : Access upon Login.
18) tiktok_covid-19_report_-_october_2020_1EE22E03-BC7D-5313-69A3E57108772F29_70635.pdf (Tik tok response to the European Commission Communication on Covid-19 Disinformation. Oct.2020) : Access upon Login.
19) tiktok_covid-19_report_-_september_2020_EAA4FE82-AA55-80DD-88E515F3B58761F1_69680.pdf (Tik tok response to the European Commission Communication on Covid-19 Disinformation Sep.2020) : Access upon Login.
20) TWITTERCOVID-19report-December2020-1 (1).pdf (Twitter response to the European Commission Communication on Covid-19 Disinformation Dec.2020) : Access upon Login.
21) twitter_covid-19_report_-_november_2020_DE0401EA-C01C-FC1E-18105A9D8EAF4621_71900.pdf (Twitter response to the European Commission Communication on Covid-19 Disinformation Nov.2020) : Access upon Login.
22) twitter_covid-19_report_-_october_2020_1EE35F44-FEC1-CC20-5AAA1B84DBE147AD_70636.pdf (Twitter response to the European Commission Communication on Covid-19 Disinformation.Oct.2020) : Access upon Login.
23) twitter_covid-19_report_-_september_2020_EAB3CBA5-A246-494F-C1BE6B9F940AF74B_69681.pdf (Twitter response to the European Commission Communication on Covid-19 Disinformation Sep.2020) : Access upon Login.

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1) CodeofPracticeonDisinformation.pdf (EU Code of Practice on Disinformation. ) : Open Access.---2) Communication_nPq9p89LZt7jJVseCUC4Ur9z9g_76495-1 (3).pdf (European Commission Guidance on Strengthening the Code of Practice on Disinformation) : Open Access.---3) Coronavirus-Article 19.pdf (Policy Brief. Viral lies, misinformation and coronavirus. Article 19.) : Open Access.---4) Draft_Online_Safety_Bill_-_Impact_Assessment_Web_Accessible.pdf (Impact Assessment Draft Online Safety Bill. United Kingdom) : Access upon Login.---5) Draft_Online_Safety_Bill_UK.pdf (Draft Online Safety Bill United Kingdom) : Access upon Login.---6) FacebookCOVID-19report-December2020 (2).pdf (Facebook response to the European Commission Communication on Covid-19 Disinformation. Dec.2020) : Access upon Login.---7) facebook_covid-19_report_-_november_2020_DE03B287-D5D8-FD80-0F524DE701B28EB1_71899.pdf (Facebook response to the European Commission Communication on Covid-19 Disinformation Nov.2020) : Access upon Login.---8) facebook_covid-19_report_-_october_2020_1EDDB4D0-F489-CCA8-13B4902500200C3F_70632 (1).pdf (Facebook response to the European Commission Communication on Covid-19 Disinformation Oct.2020) : Access upon Login.---9) facebook_covid-19_report_-_september_2020_EACBA386-94D9-F2E3-87A7E76C6800439C_69682 (1).pdf (Facebook response to the European Commission Communication on Covid-19 Disinformation Sep.2020) : Access upon Login.---10) IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT ON DIGITAL SERVICES ACT part2.pdf (Impact Assessment on Proposal for Regulation Digital Services Act. Part 2.) : Open Access.---11) Impact Assessment Report Part 1.pdf (Impact Assessment on Proposal Regulation Digital Services Act. Part 1.) : Open Access.---12) JOINT COMMUNICATION_EN_TXT.pdf (Tackling COVID-19 disinformation - Getting the facts right Joint Communication. EE) : Open Access.---13) Legal-opinion-Hungary_2020.pdf (Hungary's two pandemics report regarding Covid 19 and attacks on media freedom was commissioned by European Centre for Press and Media Freedom) : Access upon Login.---14) OPEN PUBLIC CONSULTATION ON THE DIGITAL SERVICES ACT PACKAGE.pdf (Summary Report on the open public consultation on the Digital Services Act Package) : Open Access.---15) PROPOSAL FOR A DIGITAL SERVICES ACT EE.pdf (Proposal for a Regulation "Digital Services Act" European Parliament and Counsil) : Access upon Login.---16) TikTokCOVID-19report-December2020 (1).pdf : Access upon Login.---17) tiktok_covid-19_report_-_november_2020_DE030AD4-ACD5-871C-816DA7AFD8F1C59E_71896.pdf (Tik tok response to the European Commission Communication on Covid-19 Disinformation Nov.2020) : Access upon Login.---18) tiktok_covid-19_report_-_october_2020_1EE22E03-BC7D-5313-69A3E57108772F29_70635.pdf (Tik tok response to the European Commission Communication on Covid-19 Disinformation. Oct.2020) : Access upon Login.---19) tiktok_covid-19_report_-_september_2020_EAA4FE82-AA55-80DD-88E515F3B58761F1_69680.pdf (Tik tok response to the European Commission Communication on Covid-19 Disinformation Sep.2020) : Access upon Login.---20) TWITTERCOVID-19report-December2020-1 (1).pdf (Twitter response to the European Commission Communication on Covid-19 Disinformation Dec.2020) : Access upon Login.---21) twitter_covid-19_report_-_november_2020_DE0401EA-C01C-FC1E-18105A9D8EAF4621_71900.pdf (Twitter response to the European Commission Communication on Covid-19 Disinformation Nov.2020) : Access upon Login.---22) twitter_covid-19_report_-_october_2020_1EE35F44-FEC1-CC20-5AAA1B84DBE147AD_70636.pdf (Twitter response to the European Commission Communication on Covid-19 Disinformation.Oct.2020) : Access upon Login.---23) twitter_covid-19_report_-_september_2020_EAB3CBA5-A246-494F-C1BE6B9F940AF74B_69681.pdf (Twitter response to the European Commission Communication on Covid-19 Disinformation Sep.2020) : Access upon Login.---
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