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Demertzis, Nicolas; Linardis, Apostolos; Poulakidakos, Stamatis, 2024, "Attitudes and perceptions on the reliability of public information in Greece - Check4Facts",, Κατάλογος Δεδομένων SoDaNet, First, UNF:6:wTDV2nft0qI8FXQj3A7dFQ== [fileUNF]
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1) (Data file for the survey: "Attitudes and perceptions on the reliability of public information in Greece - Check4Facts") : Open Access.
2) ques_check4facts.pdf (Questionnaire on information sources and public views on the credibility of public information) : Open Access.

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1) (Data file for the survey: "Attitudes and perceptions on the reliability of public information in Greece - Check4Facts") : Open Access.---2) ques_check4facts.pdf (Questionnaire on information sources and public views on the credibility of public information) : Open Access.---
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