Statistical Presentation
Data description: The main statistical objective of the Labour Force Survey is to divide the population of working age (15 years and above) into three mutually exclusive and exhaustive groups - persons in employment, unemployed persons and inactive persons. In addition, Labour Force Survey collects information on: demographic characteristics, main job characteristics, the existence and characteristics of a second job, educational attainment, participation in education, previous working experience and on search of job.
Classification system: Economic activity, until 2007, was classified according to STAKOD 03 (ΣΤΑΚΟΔ 03) which is the Greek version of NACE Rev1.1. From 2008 onwards STAKOD 08 (ΣΤΑΚΟΔ 08) is used, which is identical (at 3 - digit level) to NACE Rev2. The classification is based on the 3-digit level for the main job,and on the 2-digit level for the second and previous job. Occupation, until 2011, was classified according to STEP-92 (ΣΤΕΠ-92), which is the Greek version of the International Standard Classification of Occupations - ISCO-88 (Com). From 2011 onwards, ISCO-08 is used. Classification is based on the 3-digit level for the main, second and previous job. Nationality and Country of birth are classified according to a specific classification used for the Labour Force Survey. Level of education is classified according to a specific classification used for the Labour Force Survey, which allows for the classification of educational level according to International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 11). Field of education is classified according to ISCED 11 at 1 digit level (2 and 3 digits are used for special fields in science, and foreign languages) . Geographical areas are classified according to NUTS classification.
Sector coverage: LFS is a household survey
Statistical concepts and definitions: Employed are persons aged 15 years or older, who during the reference week had worked, even for just one hour, for pay or profit or they have worked in the family business, or they were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent. Unemployed are persons aged 15-74 who were without work during the reference week (they were not classified as employed), were currently available for work and were either actively seeking work in the past four weeks or had already found a job to start within the next three months. Inactive are those persons who neither classified as employed nor as unemployed. Self-employed with employees are persons who work in their own business, professional practice or farm for the purpose of earning a profit, and who employ at least one other person. Self-employed person without employees are persons who work in their own business, professional practice or farm for the purpose of earning a profit, and who employ no other persons. Employees are defined as persons who work for a public or private employer and who receive compensation in the form of wages, salaries, fees, gratuities, payment by results or payment in kind. Family workers are persons who help another member of the family to run a farm or other business, provided they are not classified as employees (they are not receiving a salary, and they have not a direct profit from the business). Part-time job , Full-time job. The distinction between these two forms of job is based on the spontaneous response of the respondent to a relevant question. Temporary job. A job may be considered temporary if the employer and the employee agree that the termination of the job is determined by objective conditions such as a specific date, the completion of a task or the return of another employee who has been temporarily replaced. This agreement is not necessarily based on a written work contract. Duration of unemployment is defined as the duration of search for a job, or the length of the period since the last job was held (if this period is shorter than the duration of search for a job). Persons in education. A person is considered in education if he/she is following any educational program, including initial education, additional education, vocational education, continuing or additional training, training in enterprises, apprenticeships, on-the-job training, seminars and workshops, distance education, evening classes, self-learning, etc. Also are included courses for personal interest only, which may cover all forms of learning, and training in subjects such as languages, computer studies, business studies, art and culture, health and medicine.
Statistical unit: Households, persons
Statistical population: Population residing in private households, and staying (or intend to stay) at least 1 year in Greece. Individuals who permanently reside in collective houses (i.e. hospitals, hotels, asylums, homes for the elderly, orphanages, etc) are not covered by the survey.
Reference area: All NUTS 3 areas of Greece, with the exception of Mount Athos area
Time coverage: Labour Force Survey has been producing results since 1981 on a yearly basis (spring quarter). From 1998 onwards it is a continuous survey, providing quarterly results.
Base period: There is no base period in Labour Force Survey
Institutional mandate
Legal acts and other agreements: Hellenic Statistical Authority is an independent authority responsible for the production and dissemination of official statistics. The legal framework concerning the organization and operation of ELSTAT is as follows: ■ Law 3832/2010 (Government Gazette No 38, Issue Α): “Hellenic Statistical System Establishment of the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT) as an Independent Authority”, as amended by article 90 paragraphs 8 and 9 of the Law 3842/2010 (Government Gazette No 58, Issue Α): “Restoration of fiscal justice, confrontation of tax evasion and other provisions”, by article 10 of the Law 3899/2010 (Government Gazette No 212, Issue A): “Urgent measures for the implementation of the assistance program of the Greek Economy”, by article 45 of the Law 3943/2011 (Government Gazette No 66, Issue A): “Combating tax evasion, staffing of auditing services and other provisions falling within the competence of the Ministry of Finance”, by article 22 paragraph 1 of the Law 3965/2011 (Government Gazette No 113, Issue A): “Operations Reform of the Consignment and Loan Fund, Public Debt Management Agency, Public Enterprises and Government bodies, the establishment of the General Secretary of Public Property and other provisions” and by article 51 of the Law 4021/2011 (Government Gazette No 218, Issue A): “Enhanced measures for the supervision and restructuring of Credit Institutions – Regulation of issues of financial nature – Ratification of the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) Framework-Agreement and its amendments and other provisions.” ■ Regulation (EC) No 223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council, on the European statistics (Official Journal of the European Union L 87/164). ■ Article 14 of the Law 3470/2006 (Government Gazette No 132, Issue A): “National Export Council, tax regulations and other provisions”. ■ Article 3, paragraph 1c, of the Law 3448/2006 (Government Gazette No 57, Issue A): “For the further use of information coming from the public sector and the settlement of matters falling within the responsibility of the Ministry of Interior, Public Administration and Decentralization”. ■ European Statistics Code of Practice, adopted by the Statistical Programme Committee on 24 February 2005 and promulgated in the Commission Recommendation of 25 May 2005 on the independence, integrity and accountability of the national and Community statistical Authorities, after its revision, which was adopted on 28 September 2011 by the European Statistical System Committee. ■ Presidential Decree 226/2000 (Government Gazette No 195, Issue Α): “Organization of the General Secretariat of the Hellenic Statistical Authority”. ■ Articles 4, 8, 9, 10, 12 , 13, 14, 15 and 16 of the Law 2392/1996 (Government Gazette No 60, Issue Α): “Access of the General Secretariat of the Hellenic Statistical Authority to administrative sources and administrative files, Statistical Confidentiality Committee, settlement of matters concerning the conduct of censuses and statistical works, as well as of matters of the General Secretariat of the Hellenic Statistical Authority”. Labour Force Survey is harmonized with European legislation. The principal legal act is the Council Regulation (EC) No. 577/98 that stipulates the provisions on design, survey characteristics and decision making processes. Survey framework was modified in successive Commission regulations. (Regulation (EC) No 1372/2007 , Regulation (EC) No 2257/2003 , Regulation (EC) No 1991/2002).
Data sharing: A bilateral agreement is signed on the provision of anonymised EU LFS data to the National Statistical Institutes of other participating EU countries.
Policy: The issues concerning the observance of statistical confidentiality by the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT) are arranged by articles 6, 7 and 8 of the Law 3832/2010, as amended by article 90 paragraph 8 of Law 3842/2010 and by article 10 of Law 3899/2010, as well as by article 8 of Law 2392/1996, which was brought back into force, in accordance with article 90 paragraph 8 of Law 3842/2010. Furthermore, ELSTAT disseminates the statistics in compliance with the statistical principles of the European Statistics Code of Practice and in particular with the principle of statistical confidentiality
Data treatment: − ELSTAT protects and does not disseminate data it has obtained or it has access to, which enable the direct or indirect identification of the statistical units that have provided them by the disclosure of individual information directly received for statistical purposes or indirectly supplied from administrative or other sources. ELSTAT takes all appropriate preventive measures so as to render impossible the identification of individual statistical units by technical or other means that might reasonably be used by a third party. Statistical data that could potentially enable the identification of the statistical unit are disseminated by ELSTAT if and only if: a) these data have been treated, as it is specifically set out in the Regulation on Statistical Obligations of the agencies of the Hellenic Statistical System (ELSS), in such a way that their dissemination does not prejudice statistical confidentiality or b) the statistical unit has given its consent, without any reservations, for the disclosure of data. − The confidential data that are transmitted by ELSS agencies to ELSTAT are used exclusively for statistical purposes and the only persons who have the right to have access to these data are the personnel engaged in this task and appointed by an act of the President of ELSTAT. − Issues referring to the observance of statistical confidentiality are examined by the Statistical Confidentiality Committee (SCC) operating in ELSTAT. The responsibilities of this Committee are to recommend on: • the level of detail at which statistical data can be disseminated, so as the identification, either directly or indirectly, of the surveyed statistical unit is not possible; • the anonymization criteria for the microdata provided to users; • the granting to researchers access to confidential data for scientific purposes. When data are disseminated in a form that would potentially allow direct or indirect identification of a person, (e.g micro data set), a certain set of rules is applied in order to prevent unauthorized disclosure: •Non-inclusion of the full name of individuals, the postal address of their dwelling and the Municipality where their dwelling is located. •Non-inclusion of the Department where the individuals’ dwelling is located. •Non-inclusion of the reference week of the quarterly survey data. •Inclusion of the Region (NUTS 2) where the individuals’ dwelling is located. •Inclusion of the degree of urbanisation of the Municipal/Local Community where the individuals’ dwelling is located, on the basis of : a) the most populated settlement, broken down into three (3) categories: urban, semi-urban and rural and b) the population density, broken down into three (3) categories: high; medium; and low density. • Inclusion of the extrapolation factor of households and individuals. • Inclusion of the age of individuals, with the exception of those aged over 85 years, who will appear under one category. • Inclusion of the citizenship of individuals, broken down into three (3) categories: Greek, EU Member States, Other countries. • Inclusion of the country of birth of individuals, broken down into three (3) groups: Greece, EU Member States and Other countries. • Inclusion of the family status of individuals, broken down into three (3) categories: a) single, b) married or in a civil partnership and c) widowed / divorced /separated. • Inclusion of the occupational status of individuals, broken down into three (3) categories: self-employed (with or without staff), salaried employees and assistants in the family business. • Inclusion of the number of employed persons of the local units in which the individuals work, broken down into the following size classes 1-10, 11-49, 50-249, 250 and over employees. • Inclusion of the occupation of individuals, by 2-digit ISCO code. • Inclusion of the branch of main economic activity of the enterprises in which the individuals work, by 2- digit NACE code. • Inclusion of the working hours of individuals, with the exception of individuals whose working hours exceed eighty (80) hours, who will appear under one category. • Information on wave will be suppressed in order to prevent users from tracking persons between successive sets of microdata. In specific cases, and after the approval of the confidentiality committee of ELSTAT, one or two of these rules can be relaxed.
Statistical processing
Source data: Labour force survey is a sample survey covering the population living in private households. The selection of households to be surveyed follows a two stage stratified sampling scheme. Total country is stratified in 206 strata. These strata are formed by allocating municipalities and communes of every NUTS 3 in three different groups (Agglomerations and Municipalities with 10.000 inhabitants or more, Municipalities and Communes with 2.000 to 9.999 inhabitants, and Communes up to 1.999 inhabitants). The exceptions are Athens and Thessaloniki agglomerations, which are divided into 31 and 9 strata, respectively. From the second quarter of 2015, the sampling frame was undergoing a total renewal process that was completed in the third quarter of 2016 (ie, the rate of renewal was 1/6 per quarter). The final sample, after full renewal, now consists of 2820 surface units. In particular: • In the period between the 2nd quarter of 2015 and the 2nd quarter of 2016, some of the surface units (housing units) are selected with a probability proportional to the number of households residing in them at the 2001 census) and the remaining ones with probability proportional with the number of households staying in them at the 2011 census) • From the 3rd quarter of 2016, all surface units were selected with a probability proportional to their size at the 2011 inventory and based on the revised sampling frames. At the second sampling stage a systematic sample of dwellings is selected in every primary sampling unit. All households residing in selected dwellings are asked to participate in the survey. All the individuals who are members of the selected households are interviewed. Total sample size is about 25,000 households per quarter.
Frequency of data collection: Data are collected throughout the year. The year is divided in 4 quarters: 1st (January, February, March), 2nd (April, May, June), 3rd (July, August, September) and 4th (October, November, December). The quarterly sample is distributed uniformly in the 13 (or 14) weeks of the quarter.
Data collection: The Labour force survey sample follows for a “rotational” pattern. Every quarter, the 5/6 of the sample remains the same, while the 1/6 is “rotated” - that is new households are interviewed. New households are interviewed by personal, face-to-face, interviews. Subsequent interviews of the same household (during the following quarters) can be carried out either by face-to-face interviews either by telephone.. Almost 10% of the first wave interviews is conducted by the use of a laptop (CAPI). For the following cases a paper questionnaire is used.
Data validation: Data are validated through a series of checks which detect inconsistencies between dates reported by interviewed persons, between educational attainment and profession, profession and sector of economic activities, inconsistencies between answers given to different part of the questionnaire and inconsistencies in the reported structure of the households. When detected, these problems are resolved either by recontacting households or, when possible, using previous data for the same household.
Data compilation: The Labour Force Survey results are produced by weighting sample data. Data weights are computed in a 3 – step procedure. In the first step, a design weight is assigned to each person in the data file. This weight is determined by the estimated probability of selection of the particular household where the person lives . In the second step, a non response correction factor is computed, at primary unit level: Non response correction = number of eligible households in primary sampling unit/number of households .that responded. At the third step, data are post stratified: Totals are computed for 208 post – stratification cells, which are defined by 13 NUTS 2 areas x 8 age groups x sex. These totals are estimated by weighting sample data (individuals) by design weights and non response correction factor. Finaly, post stratification correction factors are computed for each individual so that estimations from Labour Force Survey are consistent with estimated population totals for post - stratification cells. These estimations are based on latest census results, births, deaths and known migration.
Adjustment: The LFS quarterly results are not adjusted
Imputation-rate: No imputation is performed in the LFS data.
Seasonal adjustment: Characteristics studied by LFS (number of employed, unemployed persons etc) are subject to strong seasonal variations: for example, in Greece, employment increases in summer due to tourism (although there are countervailing factors). Therefore, seasonal adjustment is applied in monthly estimates since 2004 and for time series of employment and unemployment by sex, age groups and Decentralized Administration. Seasonally adjusted series are produced by means of TRAMO&SEATS algorithm. It should be noted that due to seasonal adjustment the whole series with monthly estimates is recalculated every time a new month is added in time series. As a result, estimations for the previous months are often revised.