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Katrini, Eleni, 2023, "Places of Togetherness",, Κατάλογος Δεδομένων SoDaNet, First version, UNF:6:OWcUfi9330hWaGxb1NCfrw== [fileUNF]
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Metadata will be made available under licence Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License

1) (Mapping of Courtyards) : Open Access.
2) (Remaining Refugge Housing Stock) : Open Access.
3) (Nikea Neighborhoods, Year of Settlement) : Open Access.
4) (Nikea Cultural Spaces) : Open Access.
5) (Nikea Public Spaces) : Open Access.
6) (Nikea Green Spaces) : Open Access.
7) (Nikea Playgrounds) : Open Access.
8) (Nikea Street Market Fairs) : Open Access.
9) (Nikea Neighborhoods based on Municipality) : Open Access.
10) (Nikea-Rentis Building Blocks) : Open Access.
11) (Nikea Streets) : Open Access.
12) (Nikea Rentis Municipal Boundaries) : Open Access.
13) (Nikea Property Lines: Ktimatologio 2021) : Open Access.
14) (Nikea Public Transit Stops) : Open Access.
15) (Nikea Buildings) : Open Access.
16) (Nikea Educational Buildings) : Open Access.
17) (Nikea Health Care Buildings) : Open Access.
18) (Nikea Religious Buildings) : Open Access.
19) B.2_Georeferenced Cadastre maps (Georeferenced Cadastre maps 1931) : Open Access.
20) C.2.11_Interview Subject 11_20220619.pdf (Transcription of Interview with Subject 11 in Greek) : Open Access.
21) C.2.12_Interview Subject 12_20220702.pdf (Interview Notes with Subject 12 in Greek) : Open Access.
22) C.2.13_Interview Subject 13_20220713.pdf (Transcription of Interview with Subject 13 in Greek) : Open Access.
23) C.2.14, C. 2.15, C.2.16_Interview Subjects 14, 15 & 16_20220714.pdf (Transcription of Interviews with Subjects 14, 15 and 16 in Greek) : Open Access.
24) C.2.17_Interview Subject 17_20220718.pdf (Interview Notes with Subject 17 in Greek) : Open Access.
25) C.2.18_Interview Subject 18_20220724.pdf (Interview Notes with Subject 18 in Greek) : Open Access.
26) C.2.19_Interview Subject 19_20220831.pdf (Transcription of Interview with Subject 19 in Greek) : Open Access.
27) C.2.1_Interview Subject 1_20220325.pdf (Transcription of Interview with Subject 1 in Greek) : Open Access.
28) C.2.20_Interview Subject 20_20220908.pdf (Transcription of Interview with Subject 20 in Greek) : Open Access.
29) C.2.21 & C.2.22_Interview Subject 21 & 22_20220908.pdf (Transcriptions of Interviews with Subjects 21 and 22 in Greek) : Open Access.
30) C.2.23, C.2.24, C.2.25_Interview Subjects 23, 24 & 25_20220910.pdf (Transcriptions of Interviews with Subjects 23, 24 and 25 in Greek) : Open Access.
31) C.2.26, C.2.27, C.2.28, C.2.29_Interview Subjects 26, 27, 28, 29_20220929.pdf (Transcriptions of Interviews with Subjects 26, 27, 28 and 29 in Greek) : Open Access.
32) C.2.2_Interview Subject 2_20220517.pdf (Transcription of Interview with Subject 2 in Greek) : Open Access.
33) C.2.3_Interview Subject 3_20220429.pdf (Transcription of Interview with Subject 3 in Greek) : Open Access.
34) C.2.4_Interview Subject 4_20220429.pdf (Interview Notes with Subject 4 in Greek) : Open Access.
35) C.2.5 & C.2.6_Interview Subject 5 & 6_20220508.pdf (Transcriptions of Interviews with Subjects 5 and 6 in Greek) : Open Access.
36) C.2.7_Interview Subject 7_20220602.pdf (Transcription of Interview with Subject 7 in Greek) : Open Access.
37) C.2.8_Interview Subject 8_20220603.pdf (Transcription of Interview with Subject 8 in Greek) : Open Access.
38) C.2.9 & C.2.10_Interview Subject 9 & 10_20220615.pdf (Interview Notes with Subjects 9 and 10 in Greek) : Open Access.
39) Subjects (Index of Subjects) : Open Access.

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Metadata will be made available under licence Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License
1) (Mapping of Courtyards) : Open Access.---2) (Remaining Refugge Housing Stock) : Open Access.---3) (Nikea Neighborhoods, Year of Settlement) : Open Access.---4) (Nikea Cultural Spaces) : Open Access.---5) (Nikea Public Spaces) : Open Access.---6) (Nikea Green Spaces) : Open Access.---7) (Nikea Playgrounds) : Open Access.---8) (Nikea Street Market Fairs) : Open Access.---9) (Nikea Neighborhoods based on Municipality) : Open Access.---10) (Nikea-Rentis Building Blocks) : Open Access.---11) (Nikea Streets) : Open Access.---12) (Nikea Rentis Municipal Boundaries) : Open Access.---13) (Nikea Property Lines: Ktimatologio 2021) : Open Access.---14) (Nikea Public Transit Stops) : Open Access.---15) (Nikea Buildings) : Open Access.---16) (Nikea Educational Buildings) : Open Access.---17) (Nikea Health Care Buildings) : Open Access.---18) (Nikea Religious Buildings) : Open Access.---19) B.2_Georeferenced Cadastre maps (Georeferenced Cadastre maps 1931) : Open Access.---20) C.2.11_Interview Subject 11_20220619.pdf (Transcription of Interview with Subject 11 in Greek) : Open Access.---21) C.2.12_Interview Subject 12_20220702.pdf (Interview Notes with Subject 12 in Greek) : Open Access.---22) C.2.13_Interview Subject 13_20220713.pdf (Transcription of Interview with Subject 13 in Greek) : Open Access.---23) C.2.14, C. 2.15, C.2.16_Interview Subjects 14, 15 & 16_20220714.pdf (Transcription of Interviews with Subjects 14, 15 and 16 in Greek) : Open Access.---24) C.2.17_Interview Subject 17_20220718.pdf (Interview Notes with Subject 17 in Greek) : Open Access.---25) C.2.18_Interview Subject 18_20220724.pdf (Interview Notes with Subject 18 in Greek) : Open Access.---26) C.2.19_Interview Subject 19_20220831.pdf (Transcription of Interview with Subject 19 in Greek) : Open Access.---27) C.2.1_Interview Subject 1_20220325.pdf (Transcription of Interview with Subject 1 in Greek) : Open Access.---28) C.2.20_Interview Subject 20_20220908.pdf (Transcription of Interview with Subject 20 in Greek) : Open Access.---29) C.2.21 & C.2.22_Interview Subject 21 & 22_20220908.pdf (Transcriptions of Interviews with Subjects 21 and 22 in Greek) : Open Access.---30) C.2.23, C.2.24, C.2.25_Interview Subjects 23, 24 & 25_20220910.pdf (Transcriptions of Interviews with Subjects 23, 24 and 25 in Greek) : Open Access.---31) C.2.26, C.2.27, C.2.28, C.2.29_Interview Subjects 26, 27, 28, 29_20220929.pdf (Transcriptions of Interviews with Subjects 26, 27, 28 and 29 in Greek) : Open Access.---32) C.2.2_Interview Subject 2_20220517.pdf (Transcription of Interview with Subject 2 in Greek) : Open Access.---33) C.2.3_Interview Subject 3_20220429.pdf (Transcription of Interview with Subject 3 in Greek) : Open Access.---34) C.2.4_Interview Subject 4_20220429.pdf (Interview Notes with Subject 4 in Greek) : Open Access.---35) C.2.5 & C.2.6_Interview Subject 5 & 6_20220508.pdf (Transcriptions of Interviews with Subjects 5 and 6 in Greek) : Open Access.---36) C.2.7_Interview Subject 7_20220602.pdf (Transcription of Interview with Subject 7 in Greek) : Open Access.---37) C.2.8_Interview Subject 8_20220603.pdf (Transcription of Interview with Subject 8 in Greek) : Open Access.---38) C.2.9 & C.2.10_Interview Subject 9 & 10_20220615.pdf (Interview Notes with Subjects 9 and 10 in Greek) : Open Access.---39) Subjects (Index of Subjects) : Open Access.---
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