1 to 10 of 27 Results
May 30, 2022
Principal Investigator: Ioannidis, Alexis
Investigating the association between offspring's and father's education by region
Online Statistics
May 30, 2022
Principal Investigator: Papanastasiou, Stefanos, Papatheodorou, Christos
The study delves into the developmental trajectories of the Greek social protection system over the last two decades. It mostly emphasises the post-crisis period in which rapid and massive changes took place due to the economic recession and the subsequent fiscal consolidation th...
May 30, 2022
Principal Investigator: Papanastasiou, Stefanos, Papatheodorou, Christos
The aim is to investigate causal mechanisms of poverty reproduction in the EU. The main emphasis is placed in investigating whether, in what way and to what extent certain characteristics of parental background impact upon an individual’s poverty risk in adulthood. A distinctive...
May 30, 2022
Principal Investigator: Papanastasiou, Stefanos
This study offers an empirical exploration and critical assessment of absolute poverty trends and patterns in the EU from a welfare regime perspective. Absolute poverty is operationalized as extreme deprivation, that is, the enforced incapacity to afford certain goods and service...
May 30, 2022
Principal Investigator: Πολυζωίδης, Περικλής
Η έρευνα εξετάζει τον ρόλο των ΜΚΟ στο πεδίο της κοινωνικής φροντίδας στην Ελλάδα. Η μεθοδολογική προσέγγιση βασίζεται σε πρωτογενές υλικό που συλλέχθηκε μέσα από δομημένα ερωτηματολόγια και συνεντεύξεις με μέλη των ελληνικών ΜΚΟ του κοινωνικού τομέα (καθολική κάλυψη). Η έρευνα χ...
Online Statistics
May 30, 2022
Principal Investigator: Ιωαννίδης, Αλέξης
Η έρευνα εξετάζει τις κοινωνικοοικονομικές ανισότητες στην Θράκη μέσω της αξιοποίησης μικροδεδομένων από ένα δείγμα 705 νοικοκυριών από τις αστικές περιοχές της Θράκης μεταξύ 1/11/2008 και 9/4/2009. Τα μικροδεδομένα περιλαμβάνουν πληροφορίες για δημογραφικά, εκπαιδευτικά, επαγγελ...
Online Statistics
May 30, 2022
Principal Investigator: Polyzoidis, Periklis, Tsairidis, Charalampos
Although job satisfaction research has been carried out for many decades (Locke, 1976, Quarstein et al, 1992), understanding what affects the job satisfaction of employees and the differences across sectors is a very timely research topic. Social care in Greece comprises a very c...
Online Statistics
May 30, 2022
Principal Investigator: Polyzoidis, Periklis, Tsertekidis, Giorgos
We focus on Greece as an example of a country that stands between the very poor countries that are doomed to send migrants and the rich countries that are doomed to receive them. We note the importance of stopping outward migration from countries such as Greece, which are democra...
Online Statistics
May 30, 2022
Principal Investigator: Ioannidis, Alexis
Investigating the association between mother's and offspring's education by region
Online Statistics
May 30, 2022
Principal Investigator: Ioannidis, Alexis
Investigating educational attainments among sexes by region
Online Statistics