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Papanastasiou, Stefanos; Papatheodorou, Christos, 2022, "Causal dynamics of poverty reproduction in the EU",, Κατάλογος Δεδομένων SoDaNet; Figure 2..docx [fileName]
Version 1.0

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Data Project Citation
Papanastasiou, Stefanos; Papatheodorou, Christos, 2022, "Causal dynamics of poverty reproduction in the EU",, Κατάλογος Δεδομένων SoDaNet
Citation Metadata  
The association between father’s occupation and sons’ poverty risk
Figure 2..docx
Additional Material: Charts
MS Word
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1) Figure 1.docx (Conceptual model of poverty reproduction) : Open Access.
2) Figure 2..docx (The association between father’s occupation and sons’ poverty risk) : Open Access.
3) Figure 3.docx (Sons’ adjusted poverty risk by father’s occupation) : Open Access.
4) Figure 4.docx (Poverty risk ratios by parental background before and after the covariates test) : Open Access.
5) Table 1.docx (Merging of the occupation and education variables) : Open Access.
6) Text 1.docx (Grouping of the EU countries in welfare regime types ) : Open Access.
7) Text 2.docx (Statistical model specification) : Open Access.

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1) Figure 1.docx (Conceptual model of poverty reproduction) : Open Access.---2) Figure 2..docx (The association between father’s occupation and sons’ poverty risk) : Open Access.---3) Figure 3.docx (Sons’ adjusted poverty risk by father’s occupation) : Open Access.---4) Figure 4.docx (Poverty risk ratios by parental background before and after the covariates test) : Open Access.---5) Table 1.docx (Merging of the occupation and education variables) : Open Access.---6) Text 1.docx (Grouping of the EU countries in welfare regime types ) : Open Access.---7) Text 2.docx (Statistical model specification) : Open Access.---

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